December21-Bitcoin notes: Power Projection, Militia and Bitcoin

Power Projection, Militia and Bitcoin

  • Distribution, ownership and scarcity defines the economics over resources allocation and
  • Kinetic Ability to Fight = Power Projection
  • Power Summation through co-operation [4 people bunch »» 1 person within same tribe, evolution from single cellular to multi-cellular organisms]
  • Social Consensus Protocol in Animal Kingdom: Who accesses what resources and controls it
  • Ability to fight without fighting defines your permissionless actions in Society
  • Colonization Attack = Cooperation at Massive Scale = Cognitive Ability to Co-operate (Predatory Competitive Advantage that becomes Kinetic Proof of Work Protocol in the form of War/Military —> History is written by Warriors i.e who getsto write longest running ledger i.e History]
  • Cooridate Multi-cellular Organisms Evolution —> Homo Sapiens [this specific species could scale trust more than 200 people dunbar’s number. Scale trust and co-operation way more than any tribes ot animals can.]
  • God = Different dunbar’s number [Abstract competing ideas amongst homo sapiens makes different nations and people to subscribe to different ideas of a nation]
  • Magical Evolution of homo Sapiens: Survival of fiittest evolved with one great special super power i.e Abstract Thought = “Other animal believes what I believe”
  • Power Projection Apparatus [Power behind bullet, bomb, tank engines = measured in Watts expended to defend the Property Ownership of Nation’s resources ]. Role of military is to power project - countries who have tried to make efficient use of military ended up getting conquered.
  • Kinetic domain resources are protected with kinetic projection energy
  • Proof of work permissionless structure can be applied on money (which shape shifts money from physical kinetic world to electric world i.e digitally this gives as advantage of a mechanism of excercising proof of work from kinetic domain (where no one has to bleed any more) to electric domain. It is like surroagte to going at war to establish social consensus just like the deer’s antler growing the horns on the head to project power and not fight and bleed but excercise power and control over each other)
  • Energy Creation = Joules/sec = Watts
    • Energy Derivation Method One: Kinetic energy [Physical Human Energy is kinetic power projection in Physics]
    • Energy Derivation Method Two: Electrical energy [Money i.e Bitcoin can be in this new Realm]
  • Bitcoin = Nuke resistant technology [TCP/IP, SHA, GPS also incbated in Military, NSA, NASA and DARPA]
    • Digitally scarce is still doable but second property is game changer
    • Control Structure [Obeys nature of exercising power - Win the right to write the ledger]
  • If a oppresor emerged - the ability to Counterveil the control authority who are abusive over nuclear detonation
  • Chain of Custody of Ownership by using proof of work permissionless driven by kinetic projection
  • Proof of War System defines legal ownership and nationality [War(Kinetic Power Projection(4 billion years) »> Rule of Law Concept(4000 yrs old) - deal with contracts]
  • Social Coordination required to avoid fighting [i.e Kinetic Power Projection]
  • People Co-operate more if they have sizeable miliatary = Fear of dying at massive scale = drives massive cooperation
  • Power Projection = Not to actually spend that power - show of power/force to drive participants
  • At the face = Military looks inefficent, expensive and wasteful but it’s main job is to sit there be a standing army [It is way to defend and protect wht you define as yours i.e counterveil the control authority of the oppressor attacking by scaling power projection game by manitaining a permissionless state over property to excercise a concept of nation in a cheap manner. Civilisation can’t make it expensive to have a permissionless society to scale]
  • Bitcoin = Money = Shared Belief System = Form of power projection to make human scale co-operation beyond nation level = Internet with it’s own sovereignity e.g. idea of metaverse.
  • Only Humans subscribe to abstract ideas(Shared Belief Systems) [Money is humans exertion on stored human energy]
    • Language
    • Money
    • Maps
    • Gold
  • Monetizing Bitcoin effectrively means we are unscribing from kinectic power projection game over property rights.
  • Defense in Property is always measure in Energy - Physics (Military helps establish rule of law, Prevention of theft is necessary for ownership, defensible: using defense for someone to come and take it)
  • How much energy does it take from someone not abusing their power [Bitcoin helps people from using abusive control structures by makingit cheaper and efficient to protect your money]