Written by
Sagun Garg
May20-Y Combinator:Other Ideas
Discovery Engine of Digital Products - LearnTeach Model
“I wish there was something like Product Hunt for YouTube Channels! Youtubers can get “hunted” and we can find cool stuff to watch without being dependent on YouTube’s suggested section and algorithms.”
Platform - Content - Learning Path - Duration - Cost - Rating/Feedback
BookMark Learning Paths (Index Existing Content on Internet)
Sell Learning Paths 1$/path (Teach how to learn)
Static learning paths (hardcoded)
Dynamic learning paths(customise based on personalisation)
Forms of Learning
- Podcast
- Videos
- Text - Twitter
Learn (Platforms)
- Youtube Channels
- GumRoad
- Skillshare
- MasterClass
- Amazon Kindle ebooks
- Blog Articles
- Udemy
- Udacity
- MasterClass
- PluralSight
- TweetStorm
- HackerNews
- Discord/Slack Channel
- Github Repos
- Substack
- Medium Articles
- Dev.to
- Cheat Sheets
Teach Platforms (Publishing platforms)
- Ebook-Amazon Kindle
- Substack
- Gumroad
- Skillshare
- MasterClass
- Medium
- Youtube
- Pluralsight
- Tigerhall
- Udacity
My Trigger:
Bloomberg like terminal for early stage investing poised to go mainstream with total East tipping the West (quantum of VC funding)